ながしまみのり / Minori Nagashima
Artist / Composer / Arranger / Keyboardist / Creative Technologist
東京藝術大学卒業、慶應義塾大学大学院修了。チームラボ株式会社にて「チームラボ -学ぶ!未来の遊園地-」をはじめ、数多くのアート作品のディレクションやサウンド制作の実績を積んだ後、独立。
アートや展示のディレクターとしても活動しており、近年では「ヨルノヨ-YOKOHAMA CROSS NIGHT ILLUMINATION-」や「人体 NETWORK SYMPHONY (特別展 人体 ―神秘への挑戦―)」など大規模作品の制作を主導。作品の音楽は自身で書き下ろし、音響設計まで行っている。
自身の作品も積極的に発表しており、「鬼 -ONI-」、「波様 ‐HAZAMA‐」、「From the Spring (「世界が復活したら完成する音楽劇」より)」、「彩壇 -SAIDAN-」など新しいカタチの作品を生み出すことに挑戦している。
Minori is an artist, flies freely in both the music and the arts.
B.A. in Musical Creativity and the Environment, Tokyo University of the Arts.
MA in Media Design, Keio University.
After working for teamLab Inc., where she directed and produced sound for a number of artworks, including “Learn & Play! teamLab Future Park,” she became independent.
As a composer and arranger, she has been involved in the production of music for stage performances, fashion shows, and video works, and as a keyboardist and arranger, she has participated in the bands “Ziyoou-vachi (Queen Bee)” and “POLKADOT STINGRAY” etc.
She is also active as a director of art and exhibitions, and in recent years has led the production of large-scale works such as “yorunoyo -YOKOHAMA CROSS NIGHT ILLUMINATION-” and “NETWORK SYMPHONY at THE BODY – Challenging the Mystery.” She composed the music for these exhibitions and even designed the acoustics.
She has also been actively presenting her own works, and has been challenging herself to create new forms of works such as “鬼 -ONI-”, “波様 ‐HAZAMA‐”, “From the Spring (from “Music Theater to be completed when the world comes back to life”)” and “彩壇 -SAIDAN-”.
Having worked in a variety of genres and roles, she specializes in creating works from a bird’s eye view, combining the sensibility of an artist with the perspective of a director. Her belief is that “I will spend my whole life for the best work.”
■近年の主な作品(Major Works)
・「彩壇 -SAIDAN-」(企画制作・音楽)
・ミュージカル「Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE -冠位時間神殿ソロモン-」(編曲・音源制作)
・特別展 人体 -神秘への挑戦-「人体 NETWORK SYMPHONY」(ディレクション・音楽制作)